Scottish Pedigree | Mendick livestock

Mendick Pedigree are a livestock breeding farm in the Pentland Hills, near Edinburgh. We were commissioned to design and build a website to give their business a cutting-edge advantage in an industry that does not yet necessarily have a strong web presence.

John and Kate Dykes of Mendick were keen to advertise their Simmental Cattle, Highland Ponies and Border Leicester sheep on the site and further their established reputation for high quality online.

Key to the success of this site is the photography undertaken by us. The beautiful landscapes and characterful animals shown lend warmth and a real sense place to the website; something we believe is important when connecting with a customer base.

The content management system allows the client to keep the site updated themselves and full training is provided with all our web sites.

Mendick Pedigree Highland Ponies Information on stock and up dateable 'classifieds' section Mendick Scottish Pedigree screenshot
Website for Mendick Pedigree livestock Mendick Pedigree Simmental Cattle

Skills used

  • Photography
  • Web design
  • Content management systems
  • Blogs
  • Search engine optimisation (SEO)